居家燈光設計: 常見的6種室內燈具與色溫挑選! | 室內設計






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LED浴室崁燈推薦 | 防水崁燈尺寸、如何挑選與安裝!室內設


浴室是家中最重要的功能空間之一,不僅承載著日常清潔與放鬆的需求,也影響整體居家氛圍與使用便利性。而浴室照明設計,尤其是崁燈(recessed downlights)的選擇與安裝,更是提升浴室舒適度與安全性的關鍵。



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LED崁燈(LED Recessed Downlight)是現代照明設計中不可或缺的一部分。無論是住宅、商業空間,還是戶外環境,LED崁燈都能提供高效節能、壽命長且美觀簡潔的照明效果。相比傳統鹵素燈或螢光燈,LED崁燈不僅省電,還能提供多種色溫與調光功能,滿足不同空間的照明需求。



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Home Lighting Design: 4 Reason

1. Introduction

Home lighting, as one of the core elements in interior design, not only affects our living experience visually but also significantly alters the atmosphere of a space. Whether it’s a bright workspace or a cozy resting area, the quality, quantity, color, and angle of light can give a room an entirely different emotional tone. In modern home design, professional home lighting design is not just about providing a light source but is a critical tool for enhancing living quality, strengthening spatial functionality, and elevating aesthetics.

This article will explore the importance of lighting in interior design and delve into the core value of professional lighting design and its impact on human health. Additionally, we will provide specific recommendations on the selection and configuration of different lighting fixtures, helping you understand how to use lighting to enhance the quality and functionality of your living space.


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居家燈光設計: 4大重點告訴你居家燈光的重要性! 【室內設計





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Bathroom Downlights Buying Gui

1. Introduction

The bathroom is an essential space in daily life, whether for morning routines or nighttime relaxation. Proper lighting enhances the user experience, yet many people rely solely on a single overhead light, leading to uneven illumination or insufficient brightness.

Bathroom downlights are a popular choice due to their recessed design, soft lighting, and space-saving benefits. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on selecting the right bathroom downlights, important installation considerations, and the best lighting configurations to create a comfortable, safe, and well-lit bathroom space.


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浴室崁燈推薦 | 防水崁燈挑選、安裝與配置! 室內設計



浴室崁燈(recessed downlights)因其隱藏式安裝、光線柔和且節省空間的特性,成為浴室照明的熱門選擇。本篇文章將詳細解析如何挑選合適的浴室崁燈、安裝時應注意的細節,並提供最佳的配置建議,幫助你打造舒適、安全且富有氛圍的浴室照明設計。


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Commercial outdoor Lighting: E


Landscape lighting design and outdoor lighting design for commercial buildings is not only a crucial means of enhancing architectural aesthetics but also a key factor in creating a high-quality office environment and strengthening corporate image. With the development of modern cities, the landscape design of commercial buildings is no longer limited to daytime visual effects; nighttime lighting design also plays a significant role. Through thoughtful commercial outdoor lighting design, it is possible to enhance the nighttime beauty of buildings while creating a safe and comfortable environment that attracts more businesses. This article will explore how to use lighting design to create premium outdoor spaces for commercial buildings, covering basic concepts, the selection and application of outdoor fixtures, design principles, implementation steps, case studies, and future trends.

Basic Concepts of Commercial Landscape Lighting Design

What is Landscape Lighting Design?


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Industrial Building Landscape


Landscape lighting design for factory buildings and industrial buildings is not only a functional necessity but also a crucial means of enhancing corporate image and creating a comfortable working environment. With the development of modern industrial parks, landscape lighting design has become an indispensable part of factory building construction. Through thoughtful lighting design, it is possible to improve nighttime safety, beautify the park environment, and strengthen corporate culture.

This article will explore how to effectively use outdoor lighting to enhance the landscape of factory parks, covering basic concepts, the selection and application of outdoor fixtures, design principles, implementation steps, case studies, and future trends. Additionally, the application of industrial landscape lighting design will also include factory offices, factory buildings, and industrial buildings, to provide a comprehensive analysis of the application and value of landscape lighting design.


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