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10大客廳照明燈光設計! 輕鬆擁有現代輕奢的室內設計空間!

該如何規劃客廳照明? 三大層次照明缺一不可!

1. 全般照明


2. 重點照明



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高品質室內燈具推薦,居家照明一把抓! 室內設計必備!

在室內設計中,居家照明設計有著極其重要的作用。 它不僅提供充足的光線、有效照亮空間,而且更為舒適環境奠定了基調,提高了人們的生活質量。 本文將提供室內空間的亮度建議,並介紹瓦數、流明、照度和色溫的基本概念,以及客廳、餐廳、廚房、臥室、書房和浴室等不同房間的照明燈具和照明設計的範例。


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本文由TJ2 Lighting東捷生活科技撰文提供。

原文: 智慧照明系統是什麼?Zigbee、 Wi-Fi、藍芽應用一次告訴你!


Jason Hsieh 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

本文由TJ2 Lighting東捷生活科技撰文提供。

原文: 十大照明設計趨勢,室內設計質感大加分!


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【精選照明案例】TJ2 Lighting 東捷生活科技


設計主軸: 運用自然光4000K做展區的功能性照明,搭配高演色性光源,呈現商品絕佳的原始色澤與質地,提供一個商品鑑賞的優質場域。


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【精選照明案例】TJ2 Lighting 東捷生活科技


設計主軸: 挑高6米客廳與三大層次燈光美學合而為一,完美詮釋頂級豪宅的富貴與典雅。

室內照明設計-台中十期豪宅別墅 謝公館

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【精選照明案例】TJ2 Lighting 東捷生活科技



【法藍瓷】旺富木槿 木槿圓瓷瓶


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每次燈泡壞了要更換新燈泡時,到店面選購會發現各式燈泡琳瑯滿目,有E12、E27MR16GU10等等種類繁多,究竟要如何選擇才能買到對的燈泡呢? 下面我們將帶您了解各種燈泡種類以及如何挑選最適合您的燈泡,秘訣不藏私一次大公開!




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In the realm of modern lighting solutions, LED strip lights, also known as linear lighting have emerged as a versatile and popular choice for illuminating spaces with softness and efficiency. From accentuating architectural features to setting the mood in residential and commercial environments, LED strip lights offer a wide array of applications. However, navigating the myriad options and considerations involved in selecting and installing LED strip lights can be daunting. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the ins and outs of LED strip lights, empowering you to make informed decisions and unleash the full potential of this innovative lighting solution.


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Why do LED lights glow after turning off the lights?


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How To Choose The Color Temper

This article is provided by TJ2 Lighting, led lighting manufacturerlighting manufacturer in Taiwan | 東捷生活科技

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What Is Dimming?

In the realm of lighting control, technological advancements have given rise to various dimming methods, each tailored to meet specific requirements. Triac dimmers, 0-10V dimming, and PWM dimming are the most popular techniques that are pivotal in adjusting luminous flux and illuminating levels for different lighting applications.

What Is The Difference Between Triac Dimmer, LED 0-10v Dimming, PWM Dimming?

Triac Dimmer

The most common LED dimmers are phase-cutting dimmers.


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How to Use LED Lighting In Int


LED Lighting plays an important role in enhancing the overall aesthetics and functionality of your home's interior design. Beyond its practical purpose, thoughtful lighting can transform spaces, create ambiance, and highlight architectural features. Whether you're revamping your home or embarking on a new design project, understanding the principles of lighting in interior design is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore various aspects of lighting design, from choosing the right fixtures to creating a harmonious lighting scheme that complements your home's style and functionality.


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Lighting Design: 10 Tips for Entryway Lighting


The entryway serves as the first impression of a home, setting the tone for the entire living space. A well-thought-out lighting design can transform this transitional space into a welcoming and stylish introduction to your home. Entryway Lighting /Entrance way lighting not only enhances aesthetics but also plays a crucial role in providing functional lighting for various activities. In this guide, we will explore key considerations and creative ideas for crafting an effective and aesthetically pleasing lighting design for your entryway.


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In recent years, the global lighting industry has undergone a revolutionary transformation with the widespread adoption of Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology. LED lighting has not only revolutionized the way we illuminate our spaces but has also paved the way for energy efficiency and sustainability. As the demand for energy-efficient lighting solutions continues to rise, several manufacturers have emerged as leaders in the LED lighting industry.

In this article, we will explore the Top 10 LED lighting manufacturers in the world, highlighting their contributions to the industry, product lines and the reasons behind their success, including GE Lighting, Philips Lighting, Osram, Cree Lighting, Nichia, Acuity Brands, Eaton Lighting, Samsung LED, LG Electronics, Zumtobel Group. Also, we will introduce the New Rising Star, TJ2 Lighting | LED Lighting Manufacturer in Taiwan, specializing in indoor, commercial and outdoor lighting.


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In modern interior design, lighting plays an important role in creating ambiance and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of a space. One versatile and increasingly popular lighting solution that has taken the design world by storm is strip lights. These flexible and energy-efficient LED strips offer many possibilities for decorating your home, adding a touch of modernity and creativity to any room. In this article, we will explore the various ways you can use strip lights to illuminate and transform your living spaces.

Decorate your home with strip lights

  1. Ambiance Enhancement: Strip lights are exceptional tools for setting the mood in any room. With the ability to emit a wide range of colors, you can instantly change the atmosphere to suit different occasions. Whether you're hosting a lively gathering or enjoying a quiet evening at home, adjusting the color and intensity of your strip lights can create the perfect ambiance.
  2. Accentuate Architectural Features: Use strip light to highlight architectural features within your home. Whether it's tracing the outline of a tray ceiling, accentuating a bookshelf, or emphasizing a unique wall texture, strip lights provide a subtle yet effective way to draw attention to these design elements. This technique adds depth and character to your living spaces.
  3. Creative Customization: One of the greatest advantages of strip lights is their flexibility. They can be easily cut to size, allowing you to customize the lighting to fit any space. Create intricate designs on your walls, ceilings, or even furniture by arranging the strips in patterns or shapes. This level of customization empowers you to express your unique style and make a bold statement in your home decor.
  4. Under Cabinet Lighting: In the kitchen, strip lights can be strategically placed under cabinets to provide practical task lighting. This not only improves visibility while preparing meals but also adds a stylish and modern touch to the kitchen decor. The soft glow from the LED strips can make the space feel more inviting and functional.
  5. Stunning Mirror: Choose a color that complements your room's decor and affix the LED strips along the edges or perimeter of the mirror. The soft, diffused glow not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also provides flattering, functional lighting.
  6. Bedroom Decoration: Transform your bedroom into a cozy retreat by incorporating strip light. Install them along the headboard or underneath the bed frame for a soft and relaxing glow. The ability to dim the lights allows you to create a serene environment, promoting a restful atmosphere conducive to a good night's sleep.
  7. Light up the wardrobes: Opt for warm or cool tones to match your style, and affix the strips along wardrobe edges or under shelves for a subtle, ambient glow. This cost-effective solution not only elevates the aesthetic appeal of your wardrobe but also enhances visibility, making finding your favorite outfits a breeze.
  8. Entertainment Spaces: Elevate your home entertainment experience by integrating strip lights into your media room or home theater setup. Placing them behind the TV or around the perimeter of the room not only reduces eye strain during movie nights but also adds a touch of cinematic flair. Sync the lights with your favorite films or music for a truly immersive experience.
Decorate Your Home With Strip

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